Monday, 29 September 2014

Sweet Treats

This weekend was a very busy one in my little kitchen, and rather successful (if I do say so myself).

First up, I had an order for two dozen cupcakes.  The brief:  vanilla cupcakes, lime green and lemon yellow icing, with little decorations appropriate for a kitchen tea.

The outcome: these beauties right here.

I'm so in love with the pale shades of green and yellow, along with the pastels of the decorations and chocolate hearts.  Very happy with the outcome, and have had great feedback from the Kitchen Tea.

My second mission for the weekend: a Dinosaur Cake!

I was contacted by a mom for a dinosaur inspired birthday cake for a little boy turning 5.  So I sent her some pictures of cakes that I could make, and which she showed her son and let him choose which one he liked best.  I just love this approach, as my brothers and I were always allowed to choose our own cakes as kids.  I still remember going through the books and pictures with such thought and deliberation.  They were such special times.  The little boy chose the simplest of the cakes, but for good reason, this one had toy dinosaurs on it, which he could keep and play with afterwards... Clever little chap!

I was rather excited to make this cake, as there were lots of elements to it, and I love to play around with different textures and icing techniques.  And I must say, I was thrilled with the result.

This just shows how with a little effort, a simple, roughly iced cake, can become a dinosaur heaven.  I was thankful to have most of Saturday to work on this cake.  Often I end up working late into a Friday night to have cakes ready by the morning.  I get tired, and frustrated so much more quickly, and this makes me clumsy.  But  I had a really relaxed day, getting all the bits and pieces ready, while allowing the cakes to cool so I could work with them easily.  Trust me, I've had a simple two layer cake completely collapse on me because I tried to work with it too soon!

Volcano, trees and lots of stones ready to go onto the cake.
Different sections up close.
The view from the top.
I love baking and decorating, even more so when everything goes to plan and everybody is happy with the result.  I put a lot of love and effort into everything I make, and when people appreciate that, it means a lot to me.

Have a happy Monday and a great week ahead.

Peace & Gypsy Love


Friday, 26 September 2014

Back a Buddy

Through a wonderful woman who works in the world of Fundraising, I have come to know a lot about Little Fighters Cancer Trust.  They do such wonderful work for children suffering with Cancer; assisting with medical bills, accommodation close by for parents who live far from the hospital, and with groceries and other little things for families who's every cent is going towards their child's health and life.

Click Here for a link to their website.
At the beginning of this year, a dear friend and I held a tea party at the Botanical Gardens in Pietermaritzburg.  It was a small event, but the money we raised was accepted with such gratitude that I couldn't help but want to do more to help this wonderful cause.

In May this year, I assisted with hosting a Mothers Day Tea at Grey's Hospital, for which we got the most wonderful support.  I am always so humbled by people's generosity.  It was an incredible feeling to spoil the Mums who otherwise would have spent just another day at their child's bedside.

So now, I am at it again...  As many of you know, along with the rest of the Kirkman clan, I have entered Sani Stagger Half Marathon, which is on 29 November this year.  And I would love to be able to do this, and raise money for Little Fighters at the same time.

Side note: I have walked twice this week, around 4km's each time, and my foot has done so well, and made me proud!  The muscles had become very tense, but walking seems to help with that a lot... Yay!

My trusty Nikes will get me through training, but unfortunately not down a mountain.
Back a Buddy is an awesome website where I have registered to raise funds, which will go directly to the Trust.  If you would like to help me help children in need, please click on the link below.  Every little contribution is a great help, just a few rand could make the difference between someone having a decent meal or not.  Just click on the link below, and once on the website there is a "donate now" button on the right.  The rest is pretty easy... If you've done some online shopping, it'll be a breeze!  Please follow the link below:

Click Here!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy weekend.  Make it count!

Peace & Love


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Going Home

After almost 6 weeks of staying at my parents house post-neuroma removal, yesterday I finally went home.

How does this make me feel?  Relieved.

Don't get me wrong, staying at my parents has been an absolute pleasure!  I know how incredibly lucky I am to have had Mom and Dad (ok, mostly Mom) looking after me during my recovery.

But me, I'm an independent little soul who quite likes her own space and her own company.  I can quite happily sit in a restaurant by myself and watch the world go by.  (People-watching is my favourite past time).

I love my home.  I love the peace and quite of our road up on the hill.  I love the garden and the wide open spaces.  And I'm not sure if this is a good thing, or just sad, but I love my routine!  I just seem to have more time on my own than when with other people.

I don't have a T.V. (I know... Shock! Horror!), but to me this is a good thing.  I've realised over the last few weeks how when you sit down and switch it on it just sucks the life right out of you!  No thinking required, no movement made, and the next time you look it's two hours later and you've accomplished nothing!  I think everything has it's time and place, and I'm not slamming T.V. and everyone who watches it (we all need a good series marathon now and then).  I'm just saying that, in my life, I feel more productive without one.

I started exercising again this week, just with some pilates.  It's good to use my muscles again, and feel them working.  Last night I hopped right back on the stationery bike, and peddled away for half an hour.  It was hot, I was sweaty, and my muscles were tired, but it made me so happy!  You've got to love endorphins!

This weekend I'm off to do my very first Park Run, and so looking forward to it.  I'll just be walking the 5km, but we've all got to start somewhere.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe week.

Peace & Love.


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Setting Goals

My next challenge this year, is Sani Stagger Half Marathon.  This is in exactly 12 weeks and 4 days!
I expect to be fully functional on my feet, and able to jog in 2 weeks time (holding thumbs)!!  Leaving just 10 weeks actual training... Eek!!

I ran this race 2 years ago with little to no training, and swore never to do that again!!  21.1km, most of which is downhill on a dirt road is grueling on your knees and ankles, never mind your thighs and calves.  This is the one race where no matter your fitness level, you will want to cry every time you sit down, or climb stairs, or move for a few days afterwards!

The winding road down the mountain.
Thankfully, I am significantly lighter now than I was then, which will make training that much easier.  But when I look at that 10 week period and see where I am and where I need to be, I cringe.  So, I am breaking up the challenge into smaller goals to meet along the way.  These seem less scary and more manageable , making the ultimate goal just one small step from the last.

Race Profile
My list of tasks and goals for Sani Stagger 2014:
  1. Find a decent pair of trail running shoes, which won't cost me the earth (any suggestions would be most welcome).
  2. Go for a nice long walk, with no pain in my foot.
  3. A slow, steady jog.  Around 5km, not timed.
  4. Get into a routine of running 3 - 4 times a week.
  5. Toning exercises to be done 3 times a week (lots of lunges and squats to strengthen those legs!).
  6. Run 5km in less than 40 minutes.
  7. Run 8km.
  8. Run 8km in an hour (this took me 6 weeks to achieve on my ANW program, and would be a good race day pace).
  9. Run 10km.
  10. Run 15km.
Ten points to achieve in ten weeks.  I'm pretty sure I can manage that!  Somewhere in there it wouldn't hurt to reach my goal weight, but fitness is what I will be focusing on.

The Finish Line
What are your goals this year, and what are you doing to achieve them?

Peace & Love


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